How to install Windows logon
Run "WlsInstaller_x86.msi" or "WlsInstaller_x64.msi"
The installation of the client application,
which requires Windows administrator privileges or an administrator password, will start.
In the environments where Microsoft "SmartScreen" feature is enabled, a warning may be displayed when downloading files or starting installation.
If a warning is displayed, go on with the installation according to the following steps.
* Do not execute files if you are not sure of whether or not it was downloaded from this portal's website as it may be an illegal file.
Click on "More info".
Click the displayed "Run anyway" button.
Read the software license agreement and check the "Agree" checkbox.
Then, click on "Install".
When the installation is complete, the completion screen will be displayed.
When you exit with the "Launch configuration tool after the runtime installation is complete" checked,
the configuration tool will automatically start.
Continue to install the required runtime.
At the User Account Control confirmation pop-up, click "Yes".
The installation of the required runtime will be started.
After the runtime is installed, a pop-up will appear prompting you to reboot.
If you don't need to reboot, no pop-up will appear.
If you don't see a pop-up, the installation is complete at this point.
Click "Yes" on the confirmation message.
The PC will be rebooted and the client tool installation will be completed.