This function is for paid plans (Premium).
Please purchase a plan when using this service.
The grouping of rules for PC, such as the operation of two-factor authentication services, master key settings, recovery code settings, etc., is called a group policy. The following sections describe the items that should be set up at the time of installation.
From the menu on the left side of the screen, click the “Terminal” icon, then click “Service Settings”.
Pre-registered Mac are assigned to a policy called “Defalut Policy”. To separate policies, a new group policy must be registered.
*If you wish to use the “Defalut Policy” as is, please proceed to the next step.
Click on the “+” icon in the Group Policy.
Enter a policy name and click the “Register” button.
In the confirmation message, click the “OK” button.
The registered policies are displayed in the group policy list.
Set the authentication policy on the Mac terminal.
Click on the target group policy.
The Windows version uses cache logon as an authentication method when offline.
The Mac version always uses cache logon authentication, so no configuration is required.
This function applies a screen lock when the YubiKey is pulled out of the USB port of a Mac.
To set, check the Screen Lock checkbox.
Enforce authentication by YubiKey when logging in Mac.
To set up, check the “Forced YubiKey logon” checkbox.
*Login is described as logon because the original software was for Windows products.
You will be able to log in using only your password when logging in to your Mac.
Set up a PC lock after a certain number of failed attempts to log in to a Mac.
In addition, by setting the unlock time, it is possible to automatically unlock the handset after a specified time has elapsed.
To lock the PC after a certain number of times
Lock the device after a certain number of failed logon attempts.” Check the “Lock the PC when the login fails a certain number of times.” checkbox,
and specify the number of times to lock the device. (Up to 10 times can be set).
To set the unlock time
Check the “After authentication failure lock, unlock at a certain time.” and specify the number of minutes. (Can be set up to 10080 minutes (7 days))
Click the “Update” button at the bottom of the screen, then click the “OK” button in the confirmation message.
A YubiKey (master key) can be set up to log in to any account.
See Master Key Setup for details.
To reflect the two-factor authentication service, master key, and recovery code settings on the PC, group policies and PC assignments.
Click on the target group policy and click on “PC List”.
Next, click the “+” icon on the right side of the PC list.
From the Apply Group Policy modal, check the checkbox to the left of the target PC,
Click the “Register” button.
When a confirmation message appears, click the “OK” button.
When the PC appears in the list, the assignment is complete.
There are three types of group policies: “Reflected”, “ Unreflected”, and “Old policy is reflected”.
To check “Old policy is reflected” status
Clicking “Old policy is reflected” in the “Status” pull-down displays a list of PCs that reflect the old group policy.
If an old policy is reflected, it is indicated by a “warning mark”.
When a group policy is changed or another group policy is applied, the “old policy is reflected” status is set.
To check the “Reflected” status
Clicking “Reflected” in the “Status” pull-down displays a list of PCs with the latest group policy reflected.
If the latest group policy is reflected, it is indicated by a “check” mark.
That’s all for the group policy settings.